Of soldiers and of princesses
of generals and queens he spoke
but I could never understand
how I could be a witch
if I was just a boy
He sat me down
and drew and splain’d
of towers and of airplanes and of pointy things and lakes
and made me draw what came to mind
and made me draw the lakes
A boat there with its sails alight
they pointed up towards the sky
they didn’t reach they only sighed
and hunched down at the water
the paper and the ink
It wasn’t right he said and now
he tried his hand at wordplay
a witch you are a witch we’ll see
and somehow I would need to find
the witchy her the magic she
and yank it out of me
They brought me back
I didn’t mind
the place was bright and warm and fine
and he was quite a pleasant man
and I got to have sweets
He always smiled and said nice things
your dress looks beautiful my queen
I’m not a queen I’m not a witch
it’s true a princess you must be but we can’t tell for sure
we know that you’re the cure
Now make things happen little witch
I’m not a witch I’m not a queen
we saw you lift the sad disease we saw you save the widow
I’m not a witch I’m just a boy
I want to go play with my toys
unless you have more ice cream
The world is so small he explained
it shrank and creased and crumpled
where else can you get sweets like these
ice cream and understanding
a tempered world where the winds stopped
royal and undemanding
He then tried being slightly stern
though frowning didn’t suit him
a princess doesn’t act this way
nor wag a common tongue
though common sense and majesty reveals you’re not a wench
your selfishness confuses me
I know you’re not a wench
I’m not a princess nor a wench--
But you’re too young to be a whore
Nor do I think you are abused
or sociopath or harpy
those magicks that you hoard inside
could make everyone happy
So then he brought a friend along
a tale they said they’d read me
of bright and happy times they spoke
of laughing couples merry dances
of life in bliss forever after
it wouldn’t last for long they said
there was a sadness in the air
the withering they said it was the withering of all that was
but I could make it stop
because I was a witch
I’m not a wench I’m not a witch
I’m not a queen or princess
I’m just a boy you broke my toys
and then you stomped and screamed
and then you ate each other
and made a lake of sick
And then I was too quiet
and I was not brought back
He’s still there on that lake afloat
with sails alight and hunching
ice cream and understanding
he’s waiting for a witch to cure
a tempered world where the winds stopped
the withering of all that was
but I was just a boy
and I was not brought back